I am so glad that these women decided to come forward and have this man face the terrible actions and heavy memories he burdened them with.
Perhaps people don't realize how hard it is to face these events, especially after being mentally made to feel "it's wrong to sully Jehovah's name" or "we wouldn't want to bring reproach on the congregation".... all those subtle phrases and pressures that dwell in the back of all our minds... carefully planted, carefully grown, knowingly impregnated into our subconsciousness... with hopes of corrupting our consciences.... by the WT's years of finely honed experience.
Yes, it is great when people report these crimes, it helps, that is what they should do.... The WT knows this, the WT dreads this.... When police and courts and investigators are involved, the dark curtain of the WT gets taken apart, reality is discovered, justice has a chance.
For people who have been abused by predators, by pedophiles, by the sad systems that support them, I send my love, I send a hug, I send my understanding.
If only more would report. Perhaps...... perhaps.... this is the beginning.